
I miss my beeper

I have a bad habit of dropping my keys--price of not being weighed down by an obnoxious purse, I suppose, but my car beeper is getting a bit old and so now it's started popping apart when it hits the ground. Up to now its been no big deal cause my dad just snapped it back together for me, but this last time we must have put it back wrong and now it doesn't work. :( You never realize how much you use and appreciate that little beeper until you suddenly have to start locking and unlocking your vehicle manually...and without the justification of have a cool old car.

My sad, broken little beeper--note the Harry Potter keychain (it's kinda hard to see here):

My not cool old car (though it has a sunroof and leather seats and I love it dearly nonetheless):

Yes, that's FOUR mattresses tied on top. These sorts of impractical driving conditions make me so happy. :) That's why I'm prop driver for the dance studio anytime they let me be...just never let men load your vehicle--the 'just keep pushing' is none too kind to poor innocent cars and SUVs.


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