
End of wrimo and some pics

It's official! I passed the 50,000 word mark last night and verified as a winner this afternoon with 51,258. I'm not quite done with the novel yet but I'm going to see how close I can get before the counter freezes and Nanowrimo 2010 officially closes at 11:59:59 tomorrow night. :)

Some cool nano badges for winning:

And here are some cool gimp-enhanced photos from a pair of shoots I did with my best friend Kim:

Photos by Kimberly Adams.



Nano progress

I've passed the 30,000 word mark! Yay me! The story's called School of Secrets and it's the first in a series of...probably eight books. A made cover art for it so it wouldn't feel plain. Not my best work ever, but still quite fun. :)

Do not bridge the candles

Do not bridge the candles. Seriously. It sounds like I'm being poetic but I'm not. Do not bridge the candles...especially with waxed cardboard. :P

Thanks for sharing this week's lesson with me, Kim! ;) lol



Train tracks

Some photos of the train tracks near my house. My dog and I love to go for long long walks down them and wonder where they'd lead us if we never turned back. ;)


To get a puppy or not to get a puppy?

I really want a puppy who would grow up to be my world travel companion when I finally leave and go wandering in a year or two. I love the thought of having a dog along. They're so much fun and so great for getting you out walking/jogging and meeting new people. Everybody waves and talks to a person with a dog :) The only tiny question left in my mind is how much a dog will limit where I can travel. I don't want him quarantined or anything so that means some countries will be out-of-bounds to us. Still, there are so many amazing places to go and if a puppy forces me to seek out places that might not normally be on the top of my list then he's just leading me on to better and more unique adventures.

I think I want a black lab mix...lab/collies are amazing! I really want it to be a pound pup though, like our family dog. He's so sweet and amazing and I hate to think dogs don't get homes because everybody is so picky they go to a breeder or pet store. So now I'm just waiting for the perfect little lab-ish puppy to come through the pound :)

Here's our family dog, Loki, who will be celebrating his 1st birthday later this month.


Nano update!

Nanowrimo is consuming my life, just a little. I'm up to 20,468 words, 11,000+ written yesterday. That puts me back ahead after my midweek writing lull. Yay! I'll try to post more but, alas, my muse has me on a tight leash this month.



Third day of Nanowrimo

Nanowrimo started Sunday night/Monday morning at 12:00:01. As of right now, I've written 7,430 words out of 50,000 on my novel. The joint novel I'm also writing with my best friend Kim is behind and feeling a little neglected, but we hope to remedy some of that tonight.

come visit me on the nanowrimo website:


or on my writer's blog:


Back to the writing grind...


Weirdest weekend ever

Possibly my favorite halloween ever...only one that's even competition is the Halloween I spent in Charleston. I was a gypsy again and I went with a pirate again, which is a little weird. Then there were drinks and then fun and the best Lord of the Rings marathon night ever. You just had to be there.

Pics of our costumes later!