
This is what I aspire to

I just rediscovered stretching. Yes, I'm a dancer and so I spend roughly an hour a day stretching almost every day, but, not to put too fine a point on it, I'm already too flexible for a lot of it to really do me any good except maintenance. I could walk in and do any one of those regular stretches cold with no warm-up or prep on any given day of the week. But stretching, really stretching, is the shit. I used to do it all the time because a) it freaked out my less flexible compatriots a bit and it was funny to see their eyes bug out, and b) because I could; but the last few years I got bored and sort of forgot about it. Hence the plateau of physical development on which I now find myself. So I'm tired of being bored and not improving and that means I have to start legit stretching again.

Here are my inspirations:
(all "stolen" from google images)


followed by this:

and then on my hands like this:

both this and with the top leg straight as well:

this (and yeah, she's facing away from the camera):

and then on my hands as well:

maybe I ought to start practicing my handstands now cause...yeah, not that spectacular at present.

and if you think I can't learn do these...well, clearly you have not seen me stretch, lol. ;)


PS- this has got to be the single most useless stretch ever invented:

seriously, what the hell is that supposed to stretch? idk, maybe normal people get it...any normal people want to enlighten me in the comment box down there?
in the stretchy people universe it's either like this:

or like this:

lol ;)


Vocabulary lesson :)

Today's words are brought to you by the letter 'F'.

frangible - adj. easily breakable
fungible - adj. freely exchangeable for another of like nature; interchangeable

I really want to go to Walmart and ask the customer service person "Is this (blank) fungible? I have a receipt!" or maybe go to a restaurant and ask "are the peas fungible with the potatoes?" and watch the blank stares, lol


A funny little nothing

This is the only scene in the history of television that makes telemarketing look sexy and fun. Enjoy!



The Crayola Daleks

seriously, Moffat? this says "super-villain" to you?


Saturday Puppy

awww, my cute Fuzzypaws! ;)


Maybe I'll Sail Away...

Okay, so it's my life's goal to travel. Right now I'm road-tripping around the US and one day (in the not-too-distant future) I'll expand that to Canada and Mexico and then the rest of the world. Last week I was looking into different ways of traveling (esp. the cheap ones, lol) and learned that once you learn to sail and buy a boat, you can keep sailing for practically pocket change compared to any other way of traveling (or even staying in one place, once you start factoring in all those rent and utilities payments).

How amazing would it be if this was home:

Both these lovely photos are from an amazing website called boatwrights.org. I think this is something I might do some day if I have the money. Maybe not right away cause an absolutely rootless existence sounds kind of fun right now. But one day I'm going to want a place of my own to call "home" and so maybe it'll be a boat. :)
